Shresh Shah


Shresh Shah

🎖️ Gold Medallist 🎖️

🎖️Astrologer, Vastu Consultant, Numerologist🎖️

🎖️Astro Vastu Consultant 🎖️

Shresh Shah founded Safal Asstro Vaastu Education & Research Institute to share his deep knowledge of Astrology, Vastu Shastra, and Numerology through a set of specially designed courses to those who want to pursue Astro Vastu Consultancy as a full-time profession. 

He strongly believes that in order to get a thorough understanding of the subject, an individual requires personal attention. It can’t be studied in a group of 20 or more students, especially when the individual is just a beginner. Hence, his batch comprises of not more than 10 students depending on the course. This allows him to give personalized attention to all the students of the batch and solve their doubts there and then. This helps students to understand the subject in detail and with more clarity.   

Currently, he has designed 8 different types of courses that cover all the necessary topics and concepts required to become a successful Astro Vastu Consultant. His courses also include subjects of marketing, consultation, motivation & other skills, so that Students can get all the knowledge under one roof.

Achievements & Certifications

Past & Present Associations