Astrology helps to predict an individual’s nature, personality, wealth accumulation, financial growth and various aspects of life events including but not limited to business, profession, job, relationship, marriage, childbirth, child education, own property, court cases, foreign studies, inherited and hidden wealth. Predictions are drawn on the basis of the birth chart of an individual or with the help of Prashna Kundli.
This is the key to accurate astrological predictions and it is one of our fortes. Accurate astrology predictions require an accurate birth chart which in turn requires accurate time, place, and date of birth. People usually know about their exact birth date but often lack information about their birth time. If you have the slightest confusion that your birth time might not be accurate, we can help you rectify it with various astrological techniques and our knowledge and experience.
We can guide you for your most favorable business or profession or job. We can also tell you when there will be a rise or fall in your career and for what period of time. With the help of this guidance you can efficiently plan your business expansion activities.
We can tell you whether a particular event will happen in your life or not? And if it is going to happen, then when? With the help of this accurate guidance you can very well plan your finances for that event. You can plan your overall life and manage all types of situations in your life with the help of this guidance.
If you start the important work of your life in the auspicious moment i.e. in a Shubh Muhurat as per your horoscope then the probabilities of getting success in that work multiplies. We can find a customized muhurat for you as per your horoscope and as per the new work that you want to start in your life.
We can guide you for your most favorable business or profession or job. We can also tell you when there will be a rise or fall in your career and for what period of time. With the help of this guidance you can efficiently plan your business expansion activities.
We can tell you whether a particular event will happen in your life or not? And if it is going to happen, then when? With the help of this accurate guidance you can very well plan your finances for that event. You can plan your overall life and manage all types of situations in your life with the help of this guidance.
If you start the important work of your life in the auspicious moment i.e. in a Shubh Muhurat as per your horoscope then the probabilities of getting success in that work multiplies. We can find a customized muhurat for you as per your horoscope and as per the new work that you want to start in your life.
We can give you a special consultation for your child through which you can choose the right education stream and career path for your child. What a career counsellor cannot tell you, we can tell you about your child.
You can use astrological guidance to find which investments like share market or property or gold will be fruitful and bring the highest yield for you. You can maximize the investments returns & control the financial loss by using the divine help of astrology at the right time.
Some people can achieve success in their birth country and some in foreign lands. Some can achieve success at the birth place and some away from the birth place. It is very important to know at which place your success is written. If you work as per the success yoga in your kundli you can achieve guaranteed success. We can guide you for the same.
We can give you a special consultation for your child through which you can choose the right education stream and career path for your child. What a career counsellor cannot tell you, we can tell you about your child.
You can use astrological guidance to find which investments like share market or property or gold will be fruitful and bring the highest yield for you. You can maximize the investments returns & control the financial loss by using the divine help of astrology at the right time.
Some people can achieve success in their birth country and some in foreign lands. Some can achieve success at the birth place and some away from the birth place. It is very important to know at which place your success is written. If you work as per the success yoga in your kundli you can achieve guaranteed success. We can guide you for the same.
We prescribe practical remedies to mitigate the challenges indicated in the birth chart of an individual. Some remedies are to be performed for life time and some for a specific period of time till your problem is solved or your goal is accomplished. Our astrological remedies are based on the element chart of an individual & have no side effects.
We've moved beyond 36-gun matching to embrace modern astrology. Our method involves analysing both individuals' horoscopes, evaluating their personalities, life objectives, career, finance, childbirth, lifespan and physical relationship happiness for a long term happy married life.
Partnership matchmaking is for those who wish to start a new business in partnership. In this, horoscopes are analysed for compatibility, while also determining the partnership's nature and expected duration, providing valuable insights for strategic business decisions. Strong bonding among the business partners leads to a huge success in business.
Safal Asstro Vaastu Consultancy services only offer those remedies that can be performed by an individual on their own like mantra chanting, donation or going to temple on a specific day or worshiping a particular deity to solve your problems.
No Maharaj… No Pandit… No Pooja Path… No Dakshina